We are Scott and JC! We are excited to bring Family Bro Evening to your ears! We are active members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (sometimes called Mormons - though most members don't use this term to describe themselves anymore).
The purpose of this podcast is to discuss LDS beliefs and cultures in a very rational way. We want to discuss our core doctrines, wade through the murky waters of culture, ask the hard questions about church history, and just have a little bit of fun!
We hope you'll join us on our journey!
JC grew up in Washington State, and graduated from BYU with a BS in Neuroscience. He recently graduated from AT Still University in Missouri with his MS in Biomedical Science. He is currently at the University of Florida studying to be a Physician Assistant. JC served his mission in El Paso, Texas - Spanish speaking.
Scott grew up in South Africa, and moved to Utah as a teenager. He graduated from Utah Valley University with a BS in Exercise Science and Outdoor Recreation. He recently graduated from the University of Florida with his MS in Tourism and Recreation Management, concentrating in Natural Resource Recreation. Scott works in adventure and residential therapy with at-risk teenagers in the Missouri Ozarks. Scott served his mission in Jacksonville, Florida.
Scott and JC met when they both moved into the same singles' ward in Provo in 2013. They both remained in the same ward for the next 3 years. In case you were wondering, neither of them met their spouse in that ward. They ended up hanging out after meeting for the first time, and became fast friends based on their similar interests in music, movies, and outdoor activities.
Do you have a topic that you would like us to cover? Tell us about it! Fill out the request form on the left 👈
We want to know what you are curious about. Are you an active member dealing with a confusing question? A former member trying to reconcile the history? A curious investigator wanting to know more about our core doctrines?
We want to hear from you!
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